


The correct installation of a gasket is critical to safe operations. If the incorrect gasket is ordered, or if the correct gasket is not installed correctly, the gasket can become the main cause of a major HSE inspected incident.

  • Do you have evidence of competence in relation to those involved in assembling bolted flanged connections?
  • Do your contractors provide competence certification recognised by HSE in relation to assembly of bolted flanged connections?

A clear understanding of the sealing element is critical within the flange assembly process, as the gasket remains fundamental to all process industries. When calculating applied loads, flange components dynamic reactions to temperature and pressure are critical. Bolted flanged connections have been recognised as a foremost safety issue in all industries, while ageing assets create specific challenges with corrosion and challenging fabric maintenance issues. The Academy provides invaluable insights into solutions for these situations.

The Academy of Joint Integrity operates accredited, custom-designed open courses, which cover all aspects of gasket installation and joint integrity. From introductory awareness courses, to full programs for Engineers, The Academy offers open and accessible training, where their extensive sealing technology experience is provided by professional Engineers with site and Application Engineering experience.

Training can either be delivered at dedicated training locations, or alternatively onsite.

For more information on the range of courses available, flange management products and services, or to book a seminar please visit